My work examines the interconnectedness between the physical systems within our bodies and the social, institutional and mechanical systems that affect our lives.

My process as a printmaker involves layering, deconstructing and reconstructing in large-scale collaged pieces, animations and installations. The more layers I create the more Iā€™m able to examine the complexities of the systems that affect our daily lives. My most recent body of work is focused on water, where it goes and how it flows. Rivers, nursing babies, lakes, plumbing pipes, water towers, topographical maps, sewers and bathroom faucets are all layered on top, below and within the human excretory system, nursing babies and wombs. I investigate systems -- the micro of our bodies and the macro of the natural world, as well as the human created structural systems.

I often re-use and re-visit past prints. The constant regeneration, repetition, and reimaging of imagery mimics how the same water molecules have cycled through different phases endlessly since there has been water present on earth. My process is playful, experimental and at times chaotic. I employ this hybrid collage and print process to interweave personal, natural and societal concepts. My work investigates the intersections where mechanization, industrialization and humanity collide, conflict, coexist and uplift.


Educator | Collaborator